Wednesday, 12 January 2011

What works for women: some useful links

This is a work in progress! Feel free to suggest additions

Resources from Virginia Valian, including details of her book, "Why So Slow", a webcast and other resources

Athene Donald’s blog

Jenny Rohn's blog

Blog on "becoming a domestic and laboratory goddess"

Demonstrations of schemata (see Valian for context)

STRIDE Faculty recruitment workshop readings
STRIDE faculty recruitment, other resources


  1. Check out L'Oreal's website for women in science: Good luck with this project!

  2. Thanks for linking to my own blog.

    The Athena Forum website has some useful reports (going back some years), summaries etc and also links to the ASSET 2010 survey results, which are in themselves interesting for comparative purposes

  3. You may be interested in the gender ratio of ERC starting grants for 2010. These are substantial awards (up to 5 years of funding) for establishing junior investigators - only 26% of them went to women this year (though it appears that fewer women apply for them as well). This is a really striking difference:

  4. You and your readers might be interested in this (maybe) apocrophal story from an ABC Science Program some time ago -,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.aGc&fp=b4646f1715d65d9d&biw=1280&bih=642

  5. Hhhm, not sure if that very long link will work. If it's a problem, cut and paste the following into a Google search:

    One of Australia's leading science commentators, Professor Sue Serjeantson, explores the dramatic differences that gender can make in the pursuit of a science career.

    In a study from the early 1980's, three research papers were sent out for review. The papers were identical except for the author's first name - one was by "Joan" Irving, one by "John" Irving, and one just had initials. Both male and female reviewers marked the paper written by "Joan" much lower than the others.

  6. Proofread your papers rearward, state by expression. Doing this makes you take a gander at the different expressions as opposed to general structure. Ask a companion, or even folks, to take in your article to find indistinct expressions, thinking, or accentuation slips write my essay.
